G series frequency converter adopt advanced control method with three types V/F control, high precision, high moment, main chips adopt32 bytes processor, quick responding dynamic signal, finish complete protection for motor, intelligent carrier wave control technology, multiple input/output method, can realize self study function, at the same time, it has quickly start and
quickly stop function, diversified output mode.
IGBT module setting, non disperse type single tube setting,
more higher stability and uniformity
High efficiency three-prevention handle, able to suitable
different fieldAdopt high protection level IP52 fan
Multiple V/F control mode, can realize low frequency and
big torque control0.75-18.5KW interior placed braking unit,
reduce outer place cost
Interior placed simple PLC control logic, time freely setting
DC bus line low voltage running, power grid moment
shock not stop machine
Rich PID control, have 2 types dormant wake up method
Have jump function, can valid avoid mechanical resonate
Moderate DC braking, quickly stop machine
Low disturb, low radiation, strong self disturb
Interior placed MOBUS communication, convenient for automatic control.
G operating panel and operating panel frame
G Series operating panel frame opening dimensions